When You Drive, Never Drink

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HEINEKEN Malaysia calls for consumers, business partners and employees to take a stand against drink-driving.

KUALA LUMPUR, 11 April 2022 – As a responsible and committed brewer, Heineken Malaysia Berhad (HEINEKEN Malaysia) launches the When You Drive, Never Drink (WYDND) campaign. The campaign reinforces the company’s commitment to advocating against harmful consumption and behaviours through a series of initiatives to encourage consumers, business partners as well as employees to take a stand against drink-driving.

The WYDND campaign’s aim is encourage consumers to be the hero who drives sober by taking the leap to pledge to never drink when they drive. It also serves to inspire consumers to adopt healthy habits towards drinking to protect their health, family and society and to turn peer pressure into peer support. Through the campaign, the company reiterates that there is no better way to get home safely after drinking than supporting your friends and reminding them, when they drive, they should never drink.

Take a Stand Against Drink Driving and Be Rewarded!

The Heineken® brand leads the way by launching the WYDND Pledge, encouraging consumers to pledge against drink-driving. Consumers can visit the WYDND pledge website and fill in their details to affirm their commitment to never drink when they drive. Consumers who pledge to drive sober will receive a RM10 Grab Ride voucher. The brewer aims to collect over 10,000 pledges, with RM100,000 worth of vouchers up for grabs.

“As a responsible and progressive brewer, we promote the enjoyment of our products in moderation for a balanced lifestyle. When you drive, never drink is a message that we are passionate about. We strive to change the narrative, calling for consumers in Malaysia to be the hero who drives sober by pledging to say no when getting behind the wheel, even if it is just one drink,” says Pablo Chabot, Marketing Director for HEINEKEN Malaysia.

Walking the talk, 10% of the Heineken® brand media spend annually is committed to promoting responsible consumption campaigns. Leveraging the appeal and reach of the Heineken® brand, these campaigns will effectively raise awareness of responsible consumption amongst consumers. The brand aims to make moderation socially desirable by celebrating the heroes who stay in control when driving and in turn bring about attitude and behavioural change amongst consumers in Malaysia.

HEINEKEN Malaysia Responsible Consumption Industry Pledge

In conjunction with the WYDND campaign, HEINEKEN Malaysia also calls for its valued business partners including restaurants, coffee shops, bars, hotels and retailers as well as relevant trade associations to sign the HEINEKEN Malaysia Responsible Consumption Industry Pledge and be an ‘Enjoy Responsibly’ ambassador. Through the pledge, HEINEKEN Malaysia aims to inspire its business partners to join forces as part of a responsible and progressive industry in Malaysia. The pledge includes commitments towards:

  • Contributing to Malaysia’s economy through a vibrant food and beverage sector.
  • Supporting consumers to Enjoy Responsibly through promotions at respective outlets, in collaboration with HEINEKEN Malaysia.
    Educating and engaging consumers to avoid harmful use of alcohol including excessive drinking, drink-driving, drinking while pregnant, and underage drinking.
  • Supporting consumers to make a responsible choice by promoting the use of alternative transport, in line with HEINEKEN Malaysia’s WYDND campaign.
  • Reinforcing the industry’s commitment to serving alcoholic beverages only to consumers who are non-Muslim and above the minimum purchasing age of alcohol in Malaysia, which is 21 years old.
  • Supporting the Government’s efforts towards eliminating the sales and consumption of illicit alcohol in Malaysia by not participating in the illicit trade.

“At HEINEKEN Malaysia, our priority has always been the safety, health and wellbeing of our consumers. In doing so, we want to give a chance to our partners to be a part of an exclusive network, working together to reduce harmful consumption and behaviours among consumers. Through these collaborations, we can strive to make a change in Malaysia by advocating against drink-driving together,” says Renuka Indrarajah, HEINEKEN Malaysia’s Corporate Affairs and Legal Director.

To join the pledge and be an official ‘Enjoy Responsibly’ ambassador, partners can visit the HEINEKEN Malaysia Responsible Consumption Industry Pledge website and fill in their details to affirm their commitment. HEINEKEN Malaysia will then present a pledge certificate to be displayed at the partner’s business premises.

Responsible Consumption Starts with Every HEINEKEN Malaysia Employee

HEINEKEN Malaysia believes that the right attitude and behaviour on responsible consumption must start with its employees. In conjunction with the WYDND campaign, the brewer launched a series of challenges that aim to reinforce awareness and responsible behaviours among its employees. One of the challenges includes a call for all HEINEKEN Malaysia employees to complete an e-Learning course on responsible consumption, entailing the importance of responsible consumption, the health effects of alcohol, and ways to enjoy alcohol responsibly.

Through the WYDND campaign, HEINEKEN Malaysia stays true to its purpose in brewing the joy of true togetherness to inspire a better world. Individual consumers are encouraged to take WYDND pledge by visiting the WYDND pledge website while HEINEKEN Malaysia’s business partners can take the Responsible Consumption pledge by visiting the HEINEKEN Malaysia Responsible Consumption Industry Pledge website.

For more information on HEINEKEN Malaysia and the company’s initiatives, please visit www.heinekenmalaysia.com.

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