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KUALA LUMPUR, 23 August 2024 – It has come to our attention that there are messages currently circulating on WhatsApp about a competition to be held on 30 August 2024 at the vicinity of HEINEKEN Malaysia brewery. 

HEINEKEN Malaysia wishes to clarify that we are not involved in the event stated in the messages, and we are not connected in any way with the Haaineeken Group.

We urge all members of the public to disregard any message that you might receive via messaging apps and social media channels about this competition.

We strictly adhere to all legal and regulatory guidelines and uphold a stringent Responsible Marketing Code. As a company, we advocate responsible consumption of our products. Please refer to our official communication platform for accurate information.

23 August 2024

KUALA LUMPUR, 23 Ogos 2024 –Kami ingin memaklumkan bahawa mesej yang disebarkan melalui WhatsApp berkaitan dengan pertandingan yang akan diadakan pada 30 Ogos 2024 di lokasi kilang HEINEKEN Malaysia adalah tidak benar.

HEINEKEN Malaysia tidak terlibat dalam pertandingan ini, dan syarikat kami tidak ada sebarang kaitan  dengan Haaineeken Group.

Kami menggesa orang awam untuk mengabaikan sebarang maklumat yang diterima melalui aplikasi mesej dan platform media sosial berkaitan dengan pertandingan ini.

Kami mematuhi garis panduan undang-undang, peraturan dan HEINEKEN Responsible Marketing Code dengan tegas. Sila rujuk platform komunikasi rasmi kami untuk maklumat yang tepat.

23 Ogos 2024

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Financial Results

Investor Factsheet




Briefing Deck

(01) - Lead Image - Guinness x TBF Snowskin Mooncakes

02 - Guinness x TBF Snowskin Mooncakes